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Tag: Legends

Frank Iacobucci: Canada’s Cultural Champion

The Honourable Frank Iacobucci, a former Italian-Canadian Supreme Court Judge, continues to mark his career with passion for equity and mutual cultural understanding. Emerging as the son of an Italian immigrant family in Vancouver's East End, Iacobucci's family endured the experience of internment during the Second World War. Iacobucci mediated various cultural issues within Canada's socio-political environment early in his Supreme Court appointment, namely the Meech Lake Accord and certain Indigenous rights events. In recent times, Iacobucci has continued to stand for Indigenous people in what is now Canada in civic, environmental, and social capacities. Frank Iacobucci's recent work represents a refinement of principles best understood by looking over his career from appointment to the present--contextualized further with his background--and examining his commitment to marginalized cultural identities in what is now Canada.

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