October 04, 2011
Columbus Centre
Interview With Marie A. Prospero (née Sguigna)
In her interview Marie A. Prospero (née Sguigna) shares the experiences of her Italian Canadian parents who lived in Toronto during World War II. Her father, Nazzareno Alfonso Sguigna, served in the Italian Army during World War I. He immigrated to Canada, leaving a wife and son behind. During World War II, Marie’s father was arrested by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and taken to the nearest jail. In an attempt to have her husband released, Marie’s mother took his WWI medals and argued with the RCMP to release her husband. He was released, but the medals were never returned to the family. Marie’s uncle, Luigi Squigna, came to Canada at age 16 and worked on the railways. Unlike her father, Marie’s uncle was detained and then interned during WWII. Towards the end of the war, Marie’s half-brother, Ezio Vincenzio Sguigna, was called up into the Canadian army. He went though six months of training, but was let go because of his Italian birth. Throughout the interview, Marie also describes the social events of Italian Canadians in Toronto, such as picnics held at Lambton Park.
Marie Prospero introduces herself and speaks about her family.
In this clip Marie Prospero speaks about her father’s detention and her uncle’s arrest and internment during WWII.
Marie Prospero speaks about her uncle Luigi Sguigna and his internment. She also briefly speaks about how his family coped during his absence.
Marie Prospero briefly speaks about her half-brother who served in the Canadian army during WWII.
In this clip Marie Prospero speaks about the various social clubs her father was a part of. She also speaks about the social activities and events she participated in while growing up in Toronto.
Marie Prospero speaks about her father’s early experiences as an immigrant.
Marie Prospero shares her feelings regarding Canada and her Italian heritage.
Marie Prospero discusses the experience of early Italian immigrants to Canada.
Marie Prospero speaks about her half-brother who was living in Italy during the rise of the Fascist Party.