November 29, 2011
Columbus Centre
Interview With Hon. Frank Iacobucci
Hon. Frank Iacobucci describes his childhood in the east end of Vancouver during World War II. He notes that the east end was a poorer area, and emphasizes the multicultural makeup of his school and his neighbourhood. He also describes how his neighbours helped each other during the Depression. Frank’s parents, Rosina and Gabriel Iacobucci, left the Catholic Church before he was born, joined an Italian Evangelical congregation, and then began attending a Baptist church, before eventually returning to the Catholic Church. At the start of the war, Gabriel was let go from his job at the airport because of his Italian background. Further, both Rosina and Gabriel were designated enemy aliens and required to report to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) monthly ― even though Gabriel was a Canadian citizen. When his father stopped reporting, Frank recalls that there were no consequences. Frank did not speak Italian as a child, because of the stigma of it being the “enemy language.” Frank also talks about the experiences of his neighbours, one of whom was interned at Kananaskis and Petawawa. Frank criticizes the internment as a stain on the memory of Canada; he also makes parallels between the contemporary War on Terror, as well as comments on the G20 in 2010.
In this opening clip Hon. Frank Iacobucci discusses his family and the reasons behind their immigration to Canada.
Hon. Frank Iacobucci speaks about his mother and her role as homemaker.
Hon. Frank Iacobucci talks about the Vancouver neighbourhood he grew up in. In particular he speaks about the ethnic make up of the neighbourhood.
Hon. Frank Iacobucci speaks about the various churches his family attending in Vancouver.
In this clip Hon. Frank Iacobucci discusses the various businesses in the Vancouver area, speaking in particular about the stores that served the Italian Canadian community.
Hon. Frank Iacobucci discusses his father’s involvement in the Order Sons of Italy.
In this clip Hon. Frank Iacobucci speaks about what life was like for Italian in Canada after Italy’s war declaration, in particular discussing both of his parents being declared enemy aliens.
In this clip Hon. Frank Iacobucci provides some background information on the Italian Canadian community and views on fascism and Mussolini prior to World War II. He also discusses the internment of Santo Pasqualini and how the internment had negative effects on the lives of many in the Vancouver Italian Canadian community.
Hon. Frank Iacobucci shares his own personal insights and thoughts on the internment period from a legal perspective.
In this clip Hon. Frank Iaccobucci speaks about the parallels between the internment of Italian Canadians during World War II and the current struggle against terrorism.
In this closing clip Hon. Frank Iacobucci discusses issues surrounding freedom of expression in a democracy.