Internee List
In 1940, hundreds of Italian Canadians were taken from their homes and separated from their families. They were held in prisons and remote camps. The Canadian government claimed they were threats to national security. Some were released within a few months. A few did not return home for five years.
Learn more about these men and four women.
Esposito, Gennaro
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POW #: P765
ARRESTED: June 10, 1940
RELEASED: December 03, 1940
CAMP(S): Petawawa
TOWN/CITY: Montreal
OCCUPATION: Tailor, Freeman and Gaby
RELEASE NOTES: Conditional release upon undertaking Regulation 24 (Defence of Canada Regulations)
Gennaro Esposito arrived in Canada in 1924. He was married and had children. The family lived at 6993 Drolet St. in Montreal. Esposito was interned because of alleged fascist activities. At the time of his arrest, his son Raphael Esposito, was serving in the Canadian Army. Little else is known about Gennaro Esposito.
Biography by Travis Tomchuk
- Library and Archives Canada, Canadian Armed Forces: RG 24, Vol. 6586, File 5-1-1.
- Library and Archives Canada, Custodian of Enemy Property: RG 117, Vol. 2074, Internee File 6576, “Gennaro Esposito.”