Internee List
In 1940, hundreds of Italian Canadians were taken from their homes and separated from their families. They were held in prisons and remote camps. The Canadian government claimed they were threats to national security. Some were released within a few months. A few did not return home for five years.
Learn more about these men and four women.
Aiello, Vincenzo (James)
Alboini, Vasindo
Alessio, Ettore Silvestro
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POW #: P337
ARRESTED: June 10, 1940
RELEASED: May 29, 1942
CAMP(S): Petawawa
TOWN/CITY: Windsor
RELEASE NOTES: Required to report monthly to the authorities
Vincenzo Aiello, also known as James, worked as a waiter at Angelo’s Hotel located at 193 Glengarry Ave. in Windsor. He may have boarded at the hotel. Aiello was a widower with one son and five daughters. Three of his daughters were married at the time of his internment
Biography by Travis Tomchuk
- Library and Archives Canada, Custodian of Enemy Property, RG117, Vol. 661, Internee File 4350, “Vincenzo Aiello.”
- Library and Archives Canada, RCMP, RG18, F-3 Vol. 3563, Part 5.
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POW #: P908
ARRESTED: October 24, 1940
RELEASED: April 22, 1943
NATURALIZED: February 03, 1939
BORN: November 23, 1912
CAMP(S): Petawawa, Kananaskis
TOWN/CITY: Hamilton
OCCUPATION: Draftsperson, Steel Company of Canada
Vasindo Alboini was born in Pagliericcio di Civitella, Italy. He joined the balilla, a fascist youth organization, at the age of 11 while he lived in Italy. He studied architecture before emigrating. Alboini was a member of the fascist organization until he left for Canada in October 1929. He travelled to New York City aboard the SS Conte Grande and entered Canada at Niagara Falls. After settling in Hamilton, Alboini resumed his studies and attended the city’s technical school, from 1919 to 1933, where he specialized in drafting. In November 1933, Alboini was employed with the Yates Construction Company in Toronto for six months and then for Wilde and Brydon for one year. In 1935, he returned to Hamilton and worked once again for Yates Construction Company. By the end of 1935, Alboini began working as a draftsperson for the Steel Company of Canada at Hamilton. He held this position until he was interned.
Alboini boarded at 942 Burlington St. at the time of his arrest on October 24, 1940. Six days later, he was transferred to the Lansdowne Barracks in Toronto before being sent to Petawawa.
Alboini was alleged to have joined Fascio Principe Umberto while living in Toronto. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) also believed that he had applied to join Hamilton’s Fascio Giuseppe Tudisco. He was known as a member of Hamilton’s dopolavoro. Alboini’s involvement in these organizations, his time in the balilla as a youth in Italy, and allegations that he had made comments in support of Mussolini at work were used as justification for his internment.
Biography by Travis Tomchuk
- Library and Archives Canada, Custodian of Enemy Property, RG 117, Vol. 685, Internee File 6491, “Vasindo Alboini.”
- Library and Archives Canada, RCMP, RG18, F-3, Vol. 3563, Part 2.
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POW #: P343
ARRESTED: June 10, 1940
RELEASED: February 18, 1942
BORN: 1891
CAMP(S): Petawawa
TOWN/CITY: Windsor
OCCUPATION: Salesperson
RELEASE NOTES: Conditional release upon undertaking Regulation 24 (Defence of Canada Regulations) and monthly reporting to the authorities
Prior to his internment, Ettore Silvestro Alessio lived at 1325 Parent Ave. in Windsor with his wife Theresa. He worked as a salesperson for a beer distributer and owned three business properties that he rented – two on Erie St. and one on Parent Ave. The three businesses were a pharmacy, a grocery and a barbershop.
Biography by Travis Tomchuk
- Library and Archives Canada, Canadian Armed Forces, RG 24, Vol. 6586, File 5-1-1.
- Library and Archives Canada, Custodian of Enemy Property, RG117, Vol. 661, Internee File 4298, “Ettore Silvestro Alessio.”
- Windsor Police Services Board and Windsor Police Service, RG8, D records of operational divisions 1915-1959, II. Administrative Division 1920-1957 1. Criminal Records Branch – Prisoners Registers 1920-1950, Unit 11 [1940], Windsor Public Library Archives.
Alovisi, Ernesto
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POW #:
ARRESTED: June 10, 1940
RELEASED: August 02, 1940
NATURALIZED: February 06, 1921
BORN: 1874
CAMP(S): Petawawa
TOWN/CITY: Montreal
OCCUPATION: Restaurateur
Ernesto Alovisi owned and operated both Chez Ernest and The Old Colony Club restaurants located at 1500 Mountain St. in Montreal. While interned, Alovisi’s wife Margherita ran the restaurants with the help of Dante Bini, a head waiter.
Alovisi had undergone surgery for cancer just prior to his internment. The Petawawa Camp physician requested that Alovisi be released on compassionate grounds because he was in such poor health while in camp. The physician believed that Alovisi’s continued internment would result in death. This accounts for Alovisi’s quick release.
Biography by Travis Tomchuk
Library and Archives Canada, Custodian of Enemy Property, RG117, Vol. 648, Internee File 3270, “Ernesto Alovisi.”
Library and Archives Canada, RCMP, RG18, F-3, Vol. 3563, Part 1.
Amighetti, Angelo
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POW #: P593
ARRESTED: June 13, 1940
RELEASED: March 20, 1942
CAMP(S): Petawawa
TOWN/CITY: Montreal
RELEASE NOTES: Conditional release upon undertaking Regulation 24 (Defence of Canada Regulations)
Angelo Amighetti lived at 5510 St. Dominic St. in Montreal at the time of his internment.
Biography by Travis Tomchuk
- Library and Archives Canada, Canadian Armed Forces, RG 24, Vol. 6586, File 5-1-1.
- Library and Archives Canada, Custodian of Enemy Property, RG117, Vol. 664, Internee File 4686, “Angelo Amighetti.”
Antilli, Antonio
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POW #:
ARRESTED: June 10, 1940
RELEASED: February 03, 1943
CAMP(S): Petawawa, Fredericton
TOWN/CITY: Montreal
Very little information exists on Antonio Antilli. According to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), he was the treasurer of the executive committee of the dopolavoro in Montreal. Upon his release, Antilli had to adhere to a number of conditions. These included no contact with fascist organizations, notifying the RCMP of any change of address or travel outside of Montreal, and assisting with Canada’s war effort.
Biography by Travis Tomchuk
- Library and Archives Canada, CSIS, RG146, Vol. 97, File AH-1999/00227.
- Library and Archives Canada, RCMP, RG18, F-3, Vol. 3564, Part 5.
- RCMP, “The Organization and Activities of the Italian Fascist Party in Canada,” Ottawa, 1937.
Antinozzi, Generoso
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POW #: P462
ARRESTED: June 10, 1940
RELEASED: April 16, 1941
NATURALIZED: January 30, 1937
BORN: March 03, 1877
CAMP(S): Petawawa
TOWN/CITY: Montreal
OCCUPATION: Labourer, Dominion Steel and Coal Company
RELEASE NOTES: Released unconditionally
Generoso Antinozzi was born in Naples, Italy and arrived in Canada in 1906 and worked for the Dominion Steel and Coal Company for 33 years. He lived at 6618 Papineau Ave., Montreal. He was married and had five children.
Antinozzi was a member of the National Coal Union – a union formed by his employers at Dominion Steel and Coal to counteract the organizing initiatives of the communist-led International Union. During his interview with Justice J.D. Hyndman, Antinozzi stated that he had refused to join the communist union as did 17 of his fellow internees.
Biography by Travis Tomchuk
- Library and Archives Canada, Custodian of Enemy Property, RG117, Vol. 666, Internee File 4785, “Generoso Antinozzi.”
- Library and Archives Canada, J.D. Hyndman Fonds: MG 30, E182, Vol. 14.
Antonucci, Raffaele
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POW #: P316
ARRESTED: June 10, 1940
RELEASED: December 23, 1940
CAMP(S): Petawawa
TOWN/CITY: Timmins, Other Ontario
OCCUPATION: Operated a dry cleaning business
Raffaele Antonucci appears to have lived in both Timmins and London. Unfortunately, not enough information was uncovered to determine where he lived at the time of internment. His Custodian of Enemy Property file states that he operated dry cleaning businesses in both cities. However, Talbot Dry Cleaners and Dyers in London was managed by Antonucci’s wife. She had a difficult time running the business while her husband was interned. The couple had four children.
Biography by Travis Tomchuk
- Library and Archives Canada, Canadian Armed Forces, RG 24, Vol. 6586, File 5-1-1.
- Library and Archives Canada, Custodian of Enemy Property, RG117, Vol. 1995, Internee File 4370, “Raffaele Antonucci.”
Ariano, Ferruccio
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POW #: P414
ARRESTED: June 10, 1940
RELEASED: October 01, 1941
NATURALIZED: May 01, 1937
CAMP(S): Petawawa
TOWN/CITY: Montreal
RELEASE NOTES: Conditional release (see below)
Ferruccio Ariano lived at 6909 Marquette St. in Montreal. He was related to fellow internee Alfonso Ariano, but the exact relationship between these two men is not known.
Ariano’s release conditions were as follows: he had to report to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) once a month, could not change his place of residence or leave Montreal without the consent of RCMP, and was forbidden to be involved in fascist activities or organizations.
Biography by Travis Tomchuk
- Library and Archives Canada, Canadian Armed Forces, RG 24, Vol. 6586, File 5-1-1.
- Library and Archives Canada, Custodian of Enemy Property: RG 117, Vol. 699, Internee File 15172, “Ferruccio Ariano.”
Ariano, Alfonso
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POW #: P536
ARRESTED: July 04, 1940
RELEASED: February 10, 1941
CAMP(S): Petawawa
TOWN/CITY: Montreal
RELEASE NOTES: Unconditional release
At the time of his arrest, Alfonso Ariano lived at 6909 Marquette St. in Montreal. He was related to fellow internee Ferruccio Ariano, but the exact relationship between these two men is not known. Little else is known about Alfonso Ariano.
Biography by Travis Tomchuk
- Library and Archives Canada, Custodian of Enemy Property: RG 117, Vol. 691, Internee File 8306, “Alfonso Ariano.”
Arno, Domenico
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POW #: P877
ARRESTED: October 22, 1940
RELEASED: March 13, 1943
BORN: January 17, 1901
CAMP(S): Petawawa, Fredericton
TOWN/CITY: Hamilton
RELEASE NOTES: Conditional release (see below)
Domenico Arno was married and had one child at the time of his internment. He lived with his family at 165 McNab St. North in Hamilton.
Arno’s release conditions were as follows: he had to report to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) once a month, could not change his place of residence or leave Hamilton without the consent of RCMP, and was forbidden to be involved in fascist activities or organizations.
Biography by Travis Tomchuk
- Library and Archives Canada, Custodian of Enemy Property: RG 117, Vol. 703, Internee File 18323, “Domenico Arno.”
Astri, Alino
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POW #: P233
ARRESTED: June 10, 1940
RELEASED: August 11, 1941
NATURALIZED: November 14, 1938
CAMP(S): Petawawa
TOWN/CITY: Toronto
RELEASE NOTES: Conditional release upon undertaking Regulation 24 (Defence of Canada Regulations) and required to report monthly to the authorities
Alino Astri was born in Carpineto Romano, Italy. He was a shoemaker by trade and had his own shoe repair business at 1437 Dufferin Ave., Toronto. He and his wife lived above the store; the couple had no children.
Astri was a member of the Order Sons of Italy and acted as the treasurer for his lodge.
On June 10, 1940, Astri was arrested by police while at work. During his internment, he was able to carry on with his profession and repaired shoes for fellow internees and camp guards. Astri was required to report monthly to the authorities after his release from Petawawa.
Biography by Travis Tomchuk
- Bagnell, Kenneth. Canadese: A Portrait of the Italian Canadians. Toronto: Macmillan, 1989.
- Library and Archives Canada, Custodian of Enemy Property, RG117, Vol. 658, Internee File 4159, “Alino Astri.”
- Library and Archives Canada, RG 24, Vol. 6586, File 5-1-1.