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Dominic Basso’s New Life In Canada


On October 25, 2024 I had the pleasure of speaking with Dominic Basso over the now-antiquated technology known as Skype. It was a fitting approach to our discussion as we stepped back in time to Dominic’s past, his experience in leaving his homeland for a new country, and how he established himself in Canada as a hard-working and extraordinary citizen.

I had never met Dominic before this interview. He was assigned to me by Dr. Russo as I had no contacts of my own. Speaking with Dominic was like speaking with an old friend. He displayed every bit of the classic Italian hospitality, humour, and cordiality one expects from an old school gentleman. In short, the man has class.

The purpose of this interview is to engage with an Italian immigrant to learn his story. We were both very busy the day of the interview and I had promised Dominic that I would keep it short and sweet. But the information he provided is invaluable to the ever-expending corpus of Italian immigration stories.

I hope to receive some pictures from Dominic soon to post here to go along with the interview.